Colors and fonts

Light Blue #e2effd

Brighter Blue #1e74a9

Teal #255a6c

Medium Blue #457dbe

Mustard #f7ac32 / Main text color #383838

Background colorLight blue #e2effd Help says “color to be displayed as the background of your theme. May only be visible on wide displays” (when no sidebar?)
Page background colorWhite #ffffff Affects all page content section, including sidebar
Link colorBright blue #1e74a9 For example “View More” under sidebar to view more Events
Link color (hover text)Black #000000When you hover over a link or the text color of dropdown menu items.
Main text colorCharcoal #383838
Secondary text colorRed #dd3333 Usually 2-3px smaller than body text size. I don’t see how to add using our theme.
Header background colorTeal #255a6c
Footer background colorTeal #255a6c
Header bottom border colorMustard #f7ac32
Footer top border colorMustard #f7ac32 This was recently removed?
Highlight background colorMedium blue #457dbe I think this the color of a button when mousing over, before pressing (not mobile).
Widget title background colorDifferent charcoal, why? #2f2f2f
Menu widget title background colorMedium blue #457dbe I think this is the color of header menu items before selected