British Roots: 4 Colonial Migrations as Clues to British Ancestry
February 18, 2025 – 1:00 pm
Many know they are of British descent, but tracing their origins “across the pond” is a challenge, unless
one knows the parish of their ancestors in the UK. Fortunately, history can help us here. British moved to
America in Colonial times in four distinct waves. Surprisingly, what we know today as typical New England, Southern and Appalachian character came from cultural transplantation from Britain to America. Thus knowing where your family lived in Colonial times in America can greatly aid in finding one’s British origins.
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Martha will describe the results of this cultural history research, show maps of the regions of emigration
and immigration, and discuss how these can help one pinpoint British origins. She will note resources in
our local Davis Genealogical Library that can help in this research.
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Dr. Martha Teeter has been doing genealogical research for over 50 years, following in the footsteps of her father and brother. She has loved the old ballads of Britain since high school. She uncovered her colonial New England,German, and Scots-Irish roots, which has led to an interest in colonial cultural migrations. A retired professor, she has lectured extensively in her scientific discipline and given genealogical lectures throughout the Sacramento region.
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Join in person to see this live presentation at the Davis Senior Center, 646 A St., Davis, or via Zoom. DGC Hybrid meetings are free and open to the public. Guest passes for Zoom available via email to president@davisgenealogy.org.
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A free book table is often available at the meeting for in-person attendees. Refreshments are welcome, some will be provided by the club.
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On this day, the Genealogy Library will be open and staffed from Noon to 1:00 pm before the meeting starts. The Library has new hours. We’re also open and staffed by a volunteer on Wednesdays from 1:00 – 3:30 pm and on Fridays from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. Please mark your calendar and drop in!