Topic Talk – Pennsylvania

One of the original colonies, over generations a destination of Dutch and German immigrants (and so many other ethnicities), epicenter of 19th-20th-century steel production and coalmining, haven for Quakers and...

Topic Talk – Social Media

Networks, virtual community, interactive participation…Social Media as help to genealogists?  Has Facebook worked for you? Or maybe Instagram? TIKTOK???  Godsend or annoyance?  Blessing or curse? What would our ancestors think? ~ // ~In...

Carved in Stone: Cemetery Research

Gain more from your cemetery research. Learn to prepare for your visit to the cemetery, accomplish more during your visit and glean valuable information from related research. This presentation provides...

Follow up discussion

The Monday-After Presentation Follow up is how Davis Genealogy Club members discuss what we learned at our General Meeting and Presentation the prior week! We discuss what we found helpful...

DNA Study Group

Via Zoom, members only. Use “Join/Renew” tab to become a member!

Topic Talk – Organizations, Associations, Clubs – Oh My!

Naturally social creatures, (we and) our ancestors gathered not only in churches, but with other groups—local, regional, national—based on secular interests.  What attracted them to these gathering hubs?  Sometimes politics, other times...

The Geography of American Genealogy

Many of our ancestors were part of groups that left homelands at particular times and moved together to specific regions in America. For example, many people left Ireland during a...

Follow up discussion

The Monday-After Presentation Follow up is how Davis Genealogy Club members discuss what we learned at our General Meeting and Presentation the prior week! We discuss what we found helpful...

DGC Board Meeting

The Davis Genealogy Club Board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October. Board members have voting rights, however, all members are welcome to attend and give input into the...

Topic Talk – World War II

Daddy’s war?  Mom’s?  Defining event of the 20th century, and launcher of the US onto the world stage like nothing before, WWII created a lot of now-public records that can help us track...

DGC Board Meeting

The Davis Genealogy Club Board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October. Board members have voting rights, however, all members are welcome to attend and give input into the...